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Here are your 4 Free Videos from our The Principles of Training series
Has your horse ever displayed behavior that you did not like? Bucking, rearing, refusing, crow-hopping, balking, ear pinning, aggressive behavior, not getting on the trailer, etc. etc? In these 4 videos you will see how Warwick addresses the symptoms that they exhibit but not by getting a bigger bit or using force. Warwick will act as an investigator to seek out the real problem and not just work on the symptoms. Once you can identify the underlying problem, then you can use the principles of training to your advantage!
The Principles of Training in Action - Working with a chronically rearing Eventing Horse Parts 1 & 2
In this episode, Warwick explores the principle of Work With The Horse You Have Today, going further into the human aspect of training by expounding on American philosopher Wayne Dyer’s quote “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. The horse featured in this episode is an imported Oldenburg eventing mare that has chronic stopping, rearing and spinning away from jumps issues, as well as spooking issues. Warwick shows how he looks at the “problem” as valuable information about how the mare is feeling, and listens to what the mare has to say in order to help her through her issues.
In part 2 of The principles of training in action- working with an Oldenburg eventing mare that has chronic rearing issues, Warwick uses the mare’s new found ability to find a happy place, and get her to where she will approach the scary banners in his arena. Then, after 5 weeks with him, he takes the mare home and helps her and her trainer with a jumping session, where they use those tools to get her to take her rider to the jumps instead of either sucking back, or ducking off around them.
The Principles of Training in Action - Working with a Dressage Prospect that Bucks Parts 1 & 2
In this video you will see the Principles of Training in Action with Kristin, a grand prix dressage rider and her young imported gelding Dream. Dream was known to be dull to Kristin’s aids and pull a move that she called “porpoising” (crow-hopping).
The second part of Kristin and Dream – Wait until the end – it’s amazing!
Create the relationship you've always wanted
If you liked these 4 videos, then you’ll love the entire video library – with over 500 full length training videos, in a step by step process, you can create the relationship and reach the goals that you set with your horse.
What is included
The Principles of Training TV Series
Aired on Farm & Ranch TV in the US and Horse & Country TV in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, as a subscriber you get all 24 episodes included.
Individual Horse Series
There are several training series that follow the horse all the way through – The Andalusian Series, The Bucking Quarter Horse, The Rearing Irish Sporthorse, The Rearing Arabian and Sherlock the Shut Down Reining Horse.
2 Paths to Ridden Work
Warwick has developed 2 different paths to get you to the ridden work and you get to decide which best fits your timeline and goals. Skills or Relationship – you get both doing either path, but the focus is on one or the other.
Webcasts/Facebook Lives
There is a series of Webcasts and Facebook Live videos in the subscription Library where Warwick answers questions from viewers of Youtube and the Subscription. Included are a few Facebook Lives with Confident Rider’s Jane Pike focusing on Anxiety and Goal Setting.
You can join the community of like minded horse owners/trainers on Facebook. We promise this is not like any other horse group you might have seen on social media – it is a requirement that answers are helpful, supportive and positive – if not, they are removed (and sometimes so is the person).
Young Horse Starting
Warwick shows you the saddling and first ride process with a couple of different horses including Albert who is also featured in some of the Lazy Horse videos.
Advanced Work
Once you master the Basic Body Control exercises, you will see how you can use the newly acquired skills to develop advanced reining, dressage, or other advanced work.
Clinic Footage & Virtual Lessons
You will get to see others learn in real time as well! There is extensive clinic footage filmed all over the world as well as Virtual (video) lessons.
Personal Feedback
Warwick answers video comments and Facebook questions daily. Not someone on his team – it is straight from Warwick. You can also get video lesson feedback as a subscriber.
Watch Anywhere
You can watch the videos on any device, desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone. You can also stream through your TV.