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Step 16 – Working Through the Flowchart

Step 16 - Working Through The Flowchart

Today is a bit longer – but it will be worth it!  The flowchart is such a crucial part of this process, that we’d like you to spend the time learning this.

At the beginning of the video, Warwick talks about clinic situations.  Now, all participants (with horses) at clinics are online video subscribers.  The FIRST thing that Warwick ensures with each participant at the clinic is Can your horse regulate it’s nervous system.  So, in otherwords, can they stand still and be present in this environment.  If you’ve ever wondered whether Warwick sticks to his guns about getting the basics right, this is where he walks the talk.

Because, at the clinics, unless the horse can show Warwick that it can stand still and be present, then that is all that pair will be doing UNTIL such time as the horse can achieve this.  So, they will be working on the flowchart until such a time that standing still and being present is easily achieved.  It has happened that this is the only thing clinic participants get to work on the entire weekend.

But, think about it.  Why would you want to skip over this and have Warwick (or you) try to teach your horse something if your horse is not going to retain it?  Even further, you would just be proving the opposite of what we’ve been trying to show your horse – that you are attuned to them.  If at this time, just because we are in a different situation, you decide to “not worry about it”, you are really letting your partnership down.  Please think about this in other situations where it might happen as well. 

If you have someone else in your household who would be willing to “act like a horse” for a bit, maybe ask them to play with you.  This will give you some practice before you get your horse on the end of the leadrope!  If so, practice a bit with your helper.  Then go out and try it with your horse. 

A reminder how to use this course: click on Mark Complete below and tomorrow go to Step 17

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This is the best presentation I have seen. Very very helpful. Thank you

Thank you for this visual! I have a very mouthy horse…what should I do if my horse has the flag in his mouth…today he was extremely drawn to it!

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) January 8, 2024 at 11:42 am

You will always be facing your horse and the flag will always be behind you when it’s not in action, so theres no chance of that happening.

I’ve really been looking forward to Steps 15 and 16, as I want to learn how to help my mare learn how to stand still and relax. This video has been immensely helpful. Several days ago we did the observation exercise. Over the course of 30 mins, she went from being hyper and distracted to much calmer and standing near me. The next day after watching this video, we tried the standing still and present flow chart. I used the flag a few times when she walked away and was able to draw her attention, and have her stand quietly. Went fairly well for the first try. Today I watched the video a third time and tried the flow chart again this afternoon. It was an exercise in ‘work with the horse you have today’. Totally different – she decided it was yee-haw rodeo time on the end of the lead rope (even though she lives outside in a large paddock)! She eventually walked and I was able to use the flag to get her attention and stop. When she got too close on two occasions, I tried creating energy bouncing on my toes and she backed up. I also tried walking along her side to the haunches, then turning around. I ended the session early, the best we could on a good note, when she was standing still and present even if it was momentarily. Now I understand your wise advice earlier in the course about ‘two steps forward, one back; no rush’. I’ll be focusing on Step 17 Common Problems for the next few days (and taking a break from working with my horse due to the cold snap -20C to -30C!). Thank you Warwick, for your insights and approach. We’re making progress.

This is a really useful video. Thank you ! 😊

How long do we stay still for? Dallas will stay still for about a 30 seconds but will get board and start eating grass. I will match steps with him while he eats but not sure how long im meant to do that for either.

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) January 27, 2024 at 10:58 am

I wouldnt match steps, id stand still, and when he hits the end of the lead rope redirect his attention back to you, then back up and draw him in.

My horse has been very fearful since I bought her 1 year ago. After doing these exercises she has improved dramatically.
If she is standing still in an area of the arena where she is anxious(spooky corner with equipment) and she starts to try to walk away to investigate with curiosity should I match steps or turn and lead away? I feel like I have been working so hard to remove the fear that when she gets curious I hesitate to take that opportunity away.

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) March 5, 2024 at 8:00 pm

Match steps with her

when backing up and drawing the horse into you, I feel like I am pulling on them to come towards me. Is that correct?

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) March 5, 2024 at 7:58 pm

No, If you are backing up faster than they are coming forward, either slow down or allow the lad rope to slip through your hands

Gena Welch-Booher avatar Gena Welch-Booher March 11, 2024 at 5:26 pm

In the past 24 hours, I have learned two things.
First… now I understand what my local mentor was doing when he was standing in a pen with a horse, and didn’t seem to be doing anything. He was showing the horse he was seen, heard, felt, and getting gotten.

Second… I learned that my sweet, sweet mare, that I got in 2005 as a 2 year old, is really, really good at ignoring me! We did some ‘creating connection through change of focus’ this morning. We need more of that!

I have a 2 year old filly that is exceedlingly brave. She has very little reaction to the flag if I wave it, to redirect her attention. I’m not moving the flag slowly, nor am I flapping it wildly. She just ignores it. She does want to engage with me very often, but, she has a tendency to be a little pushy, so I’ve worked on balancing out the drive and draw. Any advice for a horse that doesn’t really care about the flag?

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) March 29, 2024 at 9:44 am

Did you try it in the previous exercise (Creating Connection Through Change In Focus)?

Awesome video… now I just need to find someone to practice with 🤔 This is the third time I’ve watched this video and I’m sure it won’t be the last… it gets better each time!

What a great video!! I’m gonna have to watch it a few more times, but even after watching it once, it has answered so many questions already!

I am completely loving this work – just what I need to re-start my mule, who has been idle for 3 years – and no telling what happened to her before that (broke to ride and drive, pairs) Three months ago, she was skittish and would flee anything ‘new” or anything that might mean she was about to be tacked up and made to do something. I think this work is teaching me more than its teaching her.

She ‘gets’ new things quickly, (We’re doing ‘leading with energy’ and are almost consistent) and often does better the second day than how we left off, the first day. The level of trust has skyrocketed as we made it through the flowchart and then practiced leading with energy.

I am retiring, end of school year (end of may) and will have consistent time and ‘mindset’ to work with her, and with my 21 yr old mare who is a dream to ride… but till I started with the ‘connection’ work, I didn’t even realize how good she is at ignoring me!

This video and lesson is very helpful. I seem to need to work on this step for a bit before moving on with my herd.
I do have a specific question about my 3y/o filly. When I have her on the lead rope in the round pen or in the gravel drive way she is great at being still and paying attention to me. She will even do this when she is off the rope in the dry lot. However, when we are in the pasture or any place with vegetation I have to constantly draw her attention back to me with the lead rope or the flag.
Do I just need to be patient and keep repeating or is there a specific technique I should use for a youngster who seems to never be full!


Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) April 26, 2024 at 8:12 am

Just follow the flow chart, over and over

As I work through the Flowchart, I’m on Step15 and my horse does stand still and remain present. We’re still working on Step 16 because Cricket will start up when I point, circle but sometimes will keep going. (I had lunged lots last year and trained him to doing dressage.) So I’m using the flag, and drawing him in. We continue doing this, and most times it is perfect going both sides. with the flag use. I’m wondering if I should keep practicing until he has it perfect-always? He’s a smart little Arab and I’m afraid the repetition will cause anticipation. Sometimes he seems to get bored. We’re almost there getting it right. I go back to Flow chart beginning, and he knows the routine and sails through the previous steps. Any suggestions? Like maybe I should limit the practices to 15 minutes, then stop until next time?

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) June 3, 2024 at 11:04 am

The repitition DOES cause anticipation, which is why the principle is called “Anticipation is your best friend or worst enemy. You always have to be adjusting that.

So you mean it’s ok for horse to anticipate in these exercises? I’m assuming it means he has “got it”. So it’s ok to continue practicing until he does the steps almost by himself, and completely perfect. Thanks so much.

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) June 4, 2024 at 10:41 am

They should not antiocipate so much that they go without you asking.

Hi there. I’m working my way through the flowchart with my PRE gelding. There is some grass in the arena to which he is very attracted. What should I do if we’re standing still and he’s ducking for grass? Redirect his attention back to me by waving the flag? Thank you.

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) July 5, 2024 at 4:19 pm

As long as he doesnt take the slack out of the rope, then nothing is needed. If he takes the slack out of the rope, use the flag to draw his thoughts back to you, then back up to draw his feet back to you.

Similar grass related question. He does fantastic with the flowchart in the driveway (the only thing not grass) but when we’re on grass all he wants to do is eat. He usually doesn’t walk away, he just puts his face down and eats. But he’s definitely not present when he does this, I’ve tried to get his attention and I could literally do jumping jacks with the flag and he won’t move his attention to me. Do I let him just eat until he wanders away and hits the end of the rope?

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) July 17, 2024 at 11:39 am


Hey Warwick, Aussie here in Kansas City. You have answered a couple of questions about grass.. specifically “id stand still, and when he hits the end of the lead rope redirect his attention back to you, then back up and draw him in”. I am assuming the lead rope is short enough so that she hits the end before she can actually grab some grass, is that correct? Also, I did the creating connection by changing focus and she did well, but the flag didn’t seem to interest her much, or bigger energy for that matter when she got too close to me. I kept doing the ole switcharoo to the other side and she did figure it out, but wondering if I need her to have more connection to the flag.

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) July 25, 2024 at 11:01 am

“I am assuming the lead rope is short enough so that she hits the end before she can actually grab some grass, is that correct? ”
No. Just ignore the grass.

Hi Warwick thank you so much for this invaluable lesson. Do you have any advice for when your horse is standing still and present (ears forward) but then starts stomping her front leg on the spot, digging up dirt (indicating frustration?)? My new horse who only arrived a few weeks ago tends to do this a fair bit, once she’s been standing still for more than a few seconds. We’re still getting to know each other and I’m doing groundwork only atm, so keen to hear your thoughts on where to go in the flowchart with this.

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) July 28, 2024 at 10:57 am

Just stand there. There is nothing to do.

Excellent news, thank you. How long is long enough to expect them to stand still and present?

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) July 31, 2024 at 3:37 pm

Try not to think of it as an obedience thing, try to think of it as a state of mind. So its less about “did he stand still for x amount of minutes” and more about “does he look like hes hanging with a friend in the pasture”?

Thank you, this is hugely helpful. Especially the real ‘mistakes’ Robyn made, which will make those of us who work on this more acutely aware of what may have gone ‘wrong’ if/when something just won’t fall into place – much more so than just watching it demonstrated perfectly executed. Question, please. My mare has a 3.5 mo filly at her side. There is much here I need to do but can’t yet. Right now I’m really only leading my mare on halter around the dry lot turnout while the filly runs around, exploring every corner, running off her energy, and visiting with the stalled horses (all my stalls open into the turnout, and they have their own smaller dry-lot turnout – these two are never confined to their stall), I don’t let my mare loose in the large turnout because she’ll eat the weeds that keep trying to pop up that I’m not sure are good for her. She’s a bit stubborn and stops as she pleases when walking. When she does that, I immediately change direction roughly 45 degrees either right or left so that she has to move because she’s bending, and it always works. I foresee her doing this when I begin the stand still and present/flowchart exercise at the point before her body has fully straightened out/aligned straight with me if I have to walk past her for invading my space and not responding to my increased energy/flag. Would that be the correct way to handle her stubborn stop? She doesn’t pull back, she just stops very dryly/stoicly and doesn’t move.

Thank you in advance.

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) September 17, 2024 at 10:43 am

Just arc around when she stops like you have been doing.

Hi Warwick
Tried this out for the first time this morning. Archie does a lot of looking into the distance at stuff so I just looked with him until he did something different. Eventually he wanted to interact and was nibbling me with his muzzle which was nice. Then he started pawing the ground with a front foot. I consulted the chart but I didn’t know if he was standing still or moving his feet as only one foot is actually moving. So I just did nothing. What would you do when the horse paws the ground.

Warwick Schiller avatar Warwick Schiller (Administrator) December 9, 2024 at 8:17 am

He is standing still

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