We have touched on this topic before, but here is a video on it. You might already know where your horse falls on this scale, but it will be important information in the groundwork that is coming your way.
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My mule seems to be pretty polarized.. she can be in HIGH drive, or she can be in Draw, not to the point where she runs over me, but to the point where she can almost be a pest while I’m working in the padock. So, we tone down and work on muting…?
“while I’m working in the paddock”
Doing what?
If its something that you need your full focus on, just tie her up while you are doing it, otherwise make being at least as aware of her as what you are doing, a priority.
Thank you. Fortunately, she’s not running over me.. she’s giving me space. I teach, and will be retiring soon The progress I’ve seen since Friday afternoon (I was able to let go of all my work-related tension, and be so much more present for the animals!) is so encouraging. She lets me know she likes being around me, and likes the attention. Being a mule, she’s also very clear with me in terms of when her brain is full, for that session!
It’s interesting. I often think of my mustang Eli, as swinging back and forth from one extreme to the other. But as I watched this video and reflected, in terms of safety concerns, he’s much more draw than drive. He might leave initially for a wee bit, but when he returns he is right in my face and sometimes he pushes his shoulder at me.
When I first got him he was still quite wary of the human world, so I really focused on connection and relaxation. And was quite successful with it to the point where I’ve had to work rather hard to find that balance between drive & draw. What are some videos that are specifically focused on working on drive?
I so appreciate all these videos Warwick!
Working through a fence
The flow chart
The focus and Bend
Thank you!
My horse is similar in terms of drive and draw. I have to keep my hands on my hips when she walks beside me to keep her from walking on me – to make myself take up more space – she runs into an elbow if she comes too close and I let her experience that but I don’t try to jab her. I notice she does it with her pasture mates too – needs to stand touching them. It’s like she thinks she needs someone to cling to. She’s eager to please so when I put my hands on my hips she knows what I’m saying and steps back. She reminds me of a kid who’s anxious to be in school away from mom and afraid to get in trouble. Before starting over with this method I was trying to lunge her and she was so anxious about it she would get frantic and sweaty (too much drive?) or just shut down. I’m confident that following WS’s Attuned Horsemanship will help her.
It sounds like she has more draw than drive, because that balance is without you doing anything.
So just stick to the plan? I’m watching the Separation Anxiety videos in parallel with the 30 Day Jumpstart. I’ve also been using some clicker training so that she feels she can “get it right” but I think that’s increasing the draw. Yesterday she galloped up to me when I stepped into the pasture. I have been using the clicker to reward her keeping her distance but I think I should drop it for now and stick to trying to find balance between drive and draw.
I’ve been combing through the advice here and sounds like I need to drive her away from me… gently ? Yes?
Not sure how. I’ll look in the video library.
And I’ll quit with the clicker stuff for now? Yes?
Id quit the clicker stuff, and watch “what to do when they want to engage to much”
Maybe this?
Adnalusian Mare Leading w Energy to teach collision avoidance
Or will following the 30 Day Jumpstart get me there?
Yes, eventually you will get to the focus and Bend exercise
Re ; “what to do when they want to engage to much”
Love this! I’ll try it next.