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Finding A Good Starting Point

Finding A Good Starting Point

There is no point in going on to something else if the current thing is not pretty darn good!  If you are building a foundation, you certainly don’t want to be building on something that is not very very solid.  This is setting you and your horse up for failure.  

We had an intern once who was also a very good salsa dancer.  She had a saying and I think it is true of whatever discipline you are trying to succeed at (just insert “rider” in place of dancer):

Beginner Dancers take Intermediate Lessons

Intermediate Dancers take Advanced Lessons

Advanced Dancers take Beginner Lessons

STTDP is not:

Doing something that your horse is not ready for

Doing something that you are not ready for

Skipping steps and just “getting on” because your barn mate is pressuring you 

Going for a trail ride with friends because your horse is not ready for trail riding yet

Going to a competition the first time and expecting to compete successfully

Going anywhere new the first time and expecting your horse to be like they are at home


Building a good foundation of the basics

Allowing your horse to dictate the timeline (except for in cases of emergency or veterinary care – then you are just going to have to get it done and fix it later)

Putting your horses needs before your own wants and desires

Following the tested process of others who have been successful (and whose horse(s) you would like to own/ride/spend time with)

Skipping steps at your own peril and knowing that you will likely have to come back to that step at some 

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