There is a lot of information in the videos, some people can think it is overwhelming. A recent comment on Facebook said “There are just so many videos and I get lost in them.” This will only happen if you skip ahead and don’t do them in order. Initially, there is only 1 video. Then after you master that 1 video, then you move to the 2nd video. It’s like sending your child to Kindergarten, you don’t say, “Oh my goodness, there is so much they need to know in the 12th grade.”
One of the most spiritual of the ancient Hindu practices is called Karma Yoga. Karma Yoga is focusing on a task with no thought as to the outcome of that task. You are embarking on a journey and in order to achieve your goals, you need to learn to stay present and work with your horse where they are at instead of where you wish they were at.
To keep the video library from becoming overwhelming, just take it one video at a time. This course will assist you with staying on the path. Dancers don’t dance to get to a certain spot on the dance fIoor, they dance to enjoy moving in the moment. If you can have the outlook of enjoying each and every interaction with your horse, the process will be a magical journey.
Watching the videos shows you what the process looks like , but it can’t help you understand what it feels like. You will have to experience it yourself and go out and test what you have learned with your horse.
Here’s the best way to go about getting the most out of the videos.
Take some time between each viewing and practicing session. Allow both you and your horse to process what happened.
When you video yourself and watch it back, be easy on yourself. You will get stuff wrong, it’s OK! Forgive yourself, because your horse will.
Intent and effort will build a lot of connection between you and your horse and will allow you to be forgiven for a lot because of the trust bank account you have stocked. Don’t be discouraged if your end product doesn’t look like the end product in the videos. It takes time and practice and you will get there!
They say that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Taking things slowly like this ensures you don’t skip over steps before you are ready to move on, which would end up creating further problems down the road.
A reminder how to use this course: click on Mark Complete below and you will be taken to the next topic.
Thank you very thorough explanation – watch several times sound and picture on – sound off -picture off – try activity with one’s horse – return to lesson review and then video doing the lesson – this is great using all learning styles –
I don’t know how to video myself on my own ! Any suggestions ?
Prop your phone up on the fnce and press record
I have just subscribed and I can not wait to get started… so excited to create the best connection and relationship with my boy and being the best horse person I can be!!!!
Hi Warwick. I have multiple horses available to me to work with. Do you think it would be best to choose one and work through the program for the first time to learn the process before moving on to the next horse, or could it be beneficial to work through the program simultaneously with a few of them, to really learn how each horse can be slightly different.
I appreciate your work in the world with horses very much.
If you have the time, do multiple, as what you learn with one will help you with the other.