Intuition is a necessary ingredient to effectively training your horse, to know when to continue on or when to slow down. However, life (including Horse Training) is all about balance. You also need the process. If you’re a process-driven person by nature, you’ll then need to come to understand the more subtle energies involved in training and intuition. If you are already really in touch with these subtle energies, you may need to work more on having a logical process.
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In the circle of horse-people I like to call my, “Tribe,” we’ve been speaking about the important role intuition plays in our horsemanship. Learning attunement and developing your intuition in such a way that it becomes a part of, almost every interaction or observation with horses is a process in itself. This process takes time, patience and a great deal of self-awareness to develop. Additionally, it’s something you continue to work on and develop over your lifetime. It’s not a skillset that you can say, “Yes, I have intuition,” like it’s a trophy you proudly display on a shelf.
So glad you included this video!
I’m 60 and grew up training horses, racehorses, riding horses and even an angus bull once. They say everything and everyone comes into your life when you’re ready. I just found my tribe about a month ago. I’ve always loved groundwork. However, I think at best I was hit or miss and always moved on before I should have. I loved your post and just wanted to share.
Hi, I’m very happy with this video, thanks Warwick! The intuition part I have and now I’m learning to have a plan and stick to it
This is so true, this made me cry. Thanks for being so raw x
This is great! So aware I am lacking on the process side.
Thank you, Warwick.
I was so glad to hear that intuition and process go hand in hand. That makes so much sense. I think I’ll just process this for today. I need to find that balance. Today I’ll just go have some 10 year old girl time with my girl.